Dowden West Community Development District Performance Measures/Standards & Annual Reporting Form October 1, 2024 -September 30, 2025 1. Community Communication and Enga ement Goal1.1: Public Meetings Compliance Objective: Hold at least three regular Board of Supervisor meetings per year to conduct CDD related business and discuss community needs. Measurement: Number of public board meetings held annually as evidenced by meeting minutes and legal advertisements. Standard: A minimum of three board meetings were held during the Fiscal Year. Achieved: Yes D No D Goal 1.2: Notice of Meetings Compliance Objective: Provide public notice of meetings in accordance with Florida Statutes, using at least two communication methods. Measurement: Timeliness and method of meeting notices as evidenced by posting to COD website, publlshlng in local newspaper and via electronic communication. Standard: 100% of meetings were advertised per Florida statute on at least two mediums (Le., newspaper, CDD website, electronic communications). Achieved: Yes D No D Goal 1.3: Access to Records Compliance Objective: Ensure that meeting minutes and other public records are readily available and easily accessible to the public by completing monthly COD website checks. Measurement: Monthly website reviews will be completed to ensure meeting minutes and other public records are up to date as evidenced by District Management's records. Standard: 100% of monthly website checks were completed by District Management. Achieved: Yes D No D 2. Infrastructure and Facilities Maintenance Goal 2.1: Field Management and/or District Management Site Inspections Objective: Field manager and/or district manager will conduct inspections per District Management services agreement to ensure safety and proper functioning of the District's infrastructure. Measurement: Field manager and/or district manager visits were successfully completed per management agreement as evidenced byfield manager and/or district manager's reports, notes or other record keeping method. Standard: 100% of site visits were successfully completed as described within district management services agreement Achieved: Yes 0 No 0 Goal 2.2: District Infrastructure and Facilities Inspections Objective: District Engineer will conduct an annual inspection of the District's infrastructure and related systems. Measurement: A minimum of one inspection completed per year as evidenced by district engineer's report related to district's infrastructure and related systems. Standard: Minimum of one inspection was completed in the Fiscal Year by the district's engineer. Achieved: Yes0 No D 3. Finan lat TransRarency and Accountability Goal 3.1: Annual BUdgetPreparation Objective: Prepare and approve the annual proposed budget by June 15 and final budget was adopted by September 30 each year. Measurement: Proposed budget was approved by the Board before June 15 and final budget was adopted by September 30 as evidenced by meeting minutes and budget documents listed on COD website and/or within district records. Standard: 100% of budget approval & adoption were completed by the statutory deadlines and posted to the COD website. Achieved: Yes 0 No 0 Goal 3.2: Financial Reports Objective: Publish to the COO website the most recent versions of the following documents: Annual audit, current fiscal year budget with any amendments, and most recent financials within the latest agenda package. Measurement: Annual audit, previous years' budgets, and financials are accessible to the publlc as evidenced by corresponding documents on the COD's website. Standard: COD website contains 100% ofthe following information: Most recent annual audit, most recent adopted/amended fiscal year budget, and most recent agenda package with updated financials. Achieved: Yes0 No D Goal 3.3: Annual Financial Audit Objective: Conduct an annual independent financial audit per statutory requirements and publish the results to the CODwebsite for public inspection, and transmit to the State of Florida. Measurement: Timeliness of audit completion and publication as evidenced by meeting minutes showing board approval and annual audit is available on the COD's website and transmitted to the State of Florida. Standard: Audit was completed by an independent auditing firm per statutory requirements and results were posted to the COD website and transmitted to the State of Florida. Achieved: YesD NoD Date: ChairNiee eliair:~il-154tJ6Uz..{ Print Name: ~~JI(1IUCDowden West Community Development District District Manager:---:>"-,,,,~...,=:=~_ _ =-_ Date: fs'll0 ;J-C( $u-Sr...... Print Name:~'-T-_-''''--'::'''''''':' -r-__ Dowde e ommunity Development District